Products: Information and tips on Pixum Canvas Prints

Canvas Print

Pixum offers Canvas Prints from 20x30 cm up to 60x80 cm. Your image is printed on premium canvas and then mounted on a real wooden frame. This folds about 3cm per side of your image, which means the outer border of your image is still visible on the sides of the wooden frame.

Canvas Prints - how to get the best result possible

Please select an image without important parts near the border. You can either use images that you have already uploaded to Pixum (that is to say, those in your inbox or in one of your albums) or you can upload a new image. You will get a preview of your product after you have chosen an image for the desired format or rather have uploaded it. Please note: There might be additional manufacturing tolerances.

We strongly advise you not to use any photos with white frames. Since the canvas fabric is mounted on the frame tightly, it could happen that part of the white frame of the photo is visible on the outside of the wooden frame.

Canvas Prints - recommended minimal resolution

You will be informed if the resolution of your image is sufficient for the selected product and size in our shop after you have chosen a photo. A warning symbol will be displayed if it is expected that the selected image will produce unsatisfactory results on printing.

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Look at the table below to find out what the minimal resolution is for each format:


Format in cm Minimal resolution in pixels
 20x30  614x850
 30x30  850x850
 30x40  850x1086
 40x40  1086x1086
 40x50  1086x1322
 40x60  1086x1558
 50x50  1322x1322
 50x70  1322x1794
 60x60  1558x1558
 60x80  1558x2030


Framed canvas prints

You can also order a framed Canvas Print at Pixum. The image is printed on real canvas and then mounted on a real wooden frame. The finishing touch: one of six decorative frames from Nielsen.

The framed Canvas Prints are available in five sizes, varying from 20x30 cm up to 60x80 cm. First choose one of the frame types "Art" or "Havana". Then you can choose out of three different colours.

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